Monday, December 8, 2008

Shopping Tips for the 25 Days of Christmas: Tip #14

From an earlier post, I described how I truly love how technology truly allows retailers to maximize customer service and drive sales. When I first started in retail, I remember how excited we were to get an corporate-wide email/intranet system. In fact, for about a month or so I went from store to store in our district, and beyond, to help train the store staff on how to use the intranet system.

What a different a few years (okay, about 17 or so!) makes! Technology leads us to the next couple of retai insider tips!


Sign up for retailers' text/cell phone updates.

I have received text messages from a handful of retailers that have alerted me to products (finally) instock (a hot Wii game!) to a "text only" coupon to save 25% over a two day window. Not bad. I did get the Wii game, did not use the coupon (it was instore only, I have no desire to deal with the mall right now!!!). Remember, text messaging charges may apply, so know your carrier's text message charges and policies.

I am also sure that many of you have heard of other functions and applications, such as the Amazon application for iPhone users called "Amazon Remembers". This is pretty cool. You can take a picture of an item, upload it to Amazon and within minutes (althought anecdotally I have been told that it can take a day or even two, but that has not been my experience) you can have an Amazon match of that same item with what is typically a better price! I love to price shop, as you can see in previous shopping tips, so if you have an iPhone, this is a very slick way of trying to get the best price possible (especially when Amazon ships that item for free!).

One cautionary note: I also have been told that there are some retailers that will ask you to not take pictures in their store. I can tell you from my past retail experience that indeed we did ask customers to not take pictures in our store. Mostly to protect people, however, not our sales! So click with caution!

p.s. Here is a killer site for finding amazing prices on highend designer items for holiday gift giving (and free shipping!!!):

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